Lunar Eclipse Page

Lunar Eclipses: Past and Future

The following links give information of all eclipses of the Sun and Moon from 2000 through the current year.

Dates, diagrams, maps and details for 6000 years of lunar eclipses can be found in:

The Javascript Lunar Eclipse Explorer lets you calculate the visibility of lunar eclipses from any city for hundreds of years in the past and future:

Decade long tables of past and future lunar eclipses include links to dates, diagrams, maps and details:

Lunar Eclipses: 2011 - 2020

The table below lists every lunar eclipse from 2011 through 2020. Durations are given for both partial and total (in bold) phases. Click on the eclipse Calendar Date to see a map and diagram of an eclipse. Click on the Region of Eclipse Visibility to see a detailed description of an eclipse.

Lunar Eclipses: 2011 - 2020
Calendar Date TD of Greatest Eclipse Eclipse Type Saros Series Umbral
Geographic Region of Eclipse Visibility
(Link to Figure) (Link to RASC Observers Handbook)
2011 Jun 15 20:13:43 Total 130 1.700 03h39m
S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2011 Dec 10 14:32:56 Total 135 1.106 03h32m
Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific, N.A.
2012 Jun 04 11:04:20 Partial 140 0.370 02h07m Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas
2012 Nov 28 14:34:07 Penumbral 145 -0.187 - Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific, N.A.
2013 Apr 25 20:08:38 Partial 112 0.015 00h27m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2013 May 25 04:11:06 Penumbral 150 -0.934 - Americas, Africa
2013 Oct 18 23:51:25 Penumbral 117 -0.272 - Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia
2014 Apr 15 07:46:48 Total 122 1.291 03h35m
Aus., Pacific, Americas
2014 Oct 08 10:55:44 Total 127 1.166 03h20m
Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas
2015 Apr 04 12:01:24 Total 132 1.001 03h29m
Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas
2015 Sep 28 02:48:17 Total 137 1.276 03h20m
e Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa, w Asia
2016 Mar 23 11:48:21 Penumbral 142 -0.312 - Asia, Aus., Pacific, w Americas
2016 Sep 16 18:55:27 Penumbral 147 -0.064 - Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus., w Pacific
2017 Feb 11 00:45:03 Penumbral 114 -0.035 - Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia
2017 Aug 07 18:21:38 Partial 119 0.246 01h55m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2018 Jan 31 13:31:00 Total 124 1.315 03h23m
Asia, Aus., Pacific, w N.America
2018 Jul 27 20:22:54 Total 129 1.609 03h55m
S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2019 Jan 21 05:13:27 Total 134 1.195 03h17m
c Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa
2019 Jul 16 21:31:55 Partial 139 0.653 02h58m S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2020 Jan 10 19:11:11 Penumbral 144 -0.116 - Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2020 Jun 05 19:26:14 Penumbral 111 -0.405 - Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2020 Jul 05 04:31:12 Penumbral 149 -0.644 - Americas, sw Europe, Africa
2020 Nov 30 09:44:01 Penumbral 116 -0.262 - Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

Geographic abbreviations (used above): n = north, s = south, e = east, w = west, c = central

Ten Year Tables of Lunar Eclipses

Each 10-year table includes links to eclipse diagrams and visibility maps.

Ten Year Tables of Lunar Eclipses
1901-1910 1911-1920 1921-1930 1931-1940 1941-1950
1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000
2001-2010 2011-2020 2021-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050
2051-2060 2061-2070 2071-2080 2081-2090 2091-2100

Lunar Eclipse Catalogs
Lunar Eclipses - Special Interest
Special Features

Dedicated Lunar Eclipse Web Pages

Lunar Eclipse Publications Online

The Five Millennium Canon of Lunar Eclipses contains figures and maps of every lunar eclipse from -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE). The supplemental Five Millennium Catalog of Lunar Eclipses contains 201 pages of tables giving details for each eclipse.

The Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses contains diagrams and maps of every lunar eclipse from 1986 to 2035.

Additional eclipse publications:

All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy. Some of the information presented on this web site is based on data originally published in:

Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses: 1986 - 2035
Five Millennium Canon of Lunar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE)
Five Millennium Catalog of Lunar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE)

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA GSFC Emeritus"

For more information, see: NASA Copyright Information

2016 Aug 27